
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What's Up?

      Nothing much and yet a whole lot going on here.  Still not sure if we are going to have housemates or not. Hubby thinks they will be moving in by the end of this month. I'm still not ready for them, but will get there (I hope).  Right now I'm concentrating on organizing my house and getting ready for my next semester of college. It'll be my second to last (if you don't count summer semester) of my undergraduate degree if all goes well. Then just an internship to go before I become a Registered Dietician.  Easy Peasy, huh? Not really, it will be a stressful finger-nail-biting year for me.  Not really looking forward to added stresses. It is what it is, hopefully it will work out okay.

    Over on my other blog I posted a banana oat muffin recipe.  It was the result of a mess up, but it turned out okay.  The kiddies are eating them, so it can't be that bad.

   I think today I will work on carving project I have planned out. I'll post when I get it finished.  I'll be able to use my new tools that Hubby and the kiddies got me for my birthday almost two months ago. I've not been feeling real creative lately, so I think I'll try to force some creative juices to flow.

I hope all my dear readers are having a great day and staying warm (it's a chilly 26 degrees here).