Well not technically, no. The kids' go back to school tomorrow. I'll have one in the seventh grade, one in sixth grade, one in fourth grade and one in second. Tomorrow isn't even a real school day. It's more like a registration day. All the kids show up at school, look at the wall with papers taped all over that has the names of teachers and kids showing who is in whose class. You then walk around trying to find the class and introduce yourself and your child to the teacher. The teacher then hands you a packet of papers that they need you to fill out. They are hoping you'll do so there and say OK with a look of annoyance while you try to explain that you will have to take it home and fill it out as you
don't have the time to sit and and fill out 20 papers per child x4. You hug your child tell them to be good and trudge on to the next one. An hour later your finally on your way to work, class or wherever you need to be.
Last year as my first time experiencing this and it's total chaos. Some parents don't bother, or are not able, to go with their child to the first day and so send them in on the bus. More in the Middle School then in Elementary. So you have all these kids running around looking for friends and teachers and such. Most looking completely lost. Then a week later the kids will have their first real day of school.
I'll be trying to rush through this process tomorrow as I have to make the hour drive to class as soon as I get done for my Math for Nurses final. Yeah. Then I get a little bit of break before fall classes start. A break...all it really means is that instead of classes, work, kids and hubby...I just have work, kids, and hubby.