
Tuesday, May 17, 2011


In lew of actually doing something productive(such as cleaning/organizing my home) on my time off of classes, I've been finding other things to do. For example, I sent off a dishcloth I knitted for a dishcloth swap I participated in. A couple days late but it's on its way to California now.  Doing this swap got me to thinking...I really like to do swaps, I'm a fairly crafty person (I try anyway), I have crafty friends/family who have crafty friends/family.  So I created a Facebook group in order to facilitate future swaps (hopefully).  Here's the link in case you, my dear readers (trying to ignore the echo), want to sign up and try it: Crafty Swaps . Just click on join group and send me a message and I'll approve ya.  I really want this to take off.  My past experience is that it is really hard getting something like this started and even harder to keep it going.
 I want to do simple swaps: dishcloths, quilt blocks, scarves, etc..; nothing that would take more then a couple hours to put together and be small enough that shipping is cheap.    It's nice to get something besides junk mail and bills in the mailbox.  I probably would set up monthly themes: Christmas ornaments in November, Fall colors for October, Winter colors for December, Valentines for January, Flowers for February, Rain/water for March, Gardening/Mothers for April, Fathers/Grad/Wedding for May, Summer for June, Back to School for July, Animals/Pets for August, Random for September.  Every month has a theme that would work for the following month because if we did say Christmas in December then you would get the swap at the end of the month in time for it to be put away. So this way if you get a Christmas themed swap at the end of November you can enjoy it for the month of December and so on for each month.  I would also either have that months swap being a knit/crochet item...or do two different swaps a month and members could choose one or both of them.  I know some people knit/crochet but don't sew or vice versa.  That will work itself out as people join the group.

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