
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Day 9 of Nablopomo

Yesterday's post title was wrong. I wrote day 7 and it was actually 8 so here we are 9 days into NaBloPoMo. Woot, on a roll.
Today's writing prompt from blogher is "When was the first time that you realized that your home was not like other people's homes?"

Well I've always lived in homes not like everyone else's. Kids know pretty quick that their home life is different, and so I could not pin point an actual time that I realized it.
Even today my home is not like everyone else's. It's a bit messier, a bit more crowded, a bit nosier then what I think everyone else's is. I like it though. It's messy because we spend our spare time as a family not freaking out over dust bunnies. It's crowded because we bought a house within our budget. Which means there are 6 people, 2 small dogs, and a cat in a house that kisses 1500 square feet(and we think that it may be actually a few feet smaller). Outside we have 2 bunnies, 2 chickens, 1 rooster, 1 big dog and a goat. We have 1.3 acres to call our own.

I'm sure our neighbors are probably different. Some may even be what's considered typical suburban families/homes. Not all, not the new neighbors with the minitature pony. Not the neighbors with all the dogs and chickens, not the other neighbor(the vet) with chickens, not the one at the end of the street with 4 dogs of varying sizes that bark when you run by. I don't mind barking, they're just doing their job.

So we're different, but our different is my normal. So while I've always lived in a home not like everyone else's it's okay with me.

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