
Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Moments

Today's writing prompt from is "What has been the happiest moment of your life thus far?"

Wow, How do I just pick one happy moment as the happiest? The traditional thing to say would be the day I got married, the birth of each of my children, earning an associates degree, Christmas morning. I don't have just one happiest moment. I even have a moment in my life that was good for me but not something you would normally pick as a happiest moment.

I have a truly blessed life even though it has had it's dark moments. Trying to narrow down though I would have to say my happiest moment happens every day. It's when I tell my children goodnight. It's the kiss on the cheek I get, and give, from my youngest son. It's my daughter remembering at the last minute something exciting that had happened or a thought she had and she can not wait a moment longer to tell me. It's the hug that I, sometimes, get from my middle son. It's the kiss on the forehead that my oldest gets, though this is happening less and less as he gets older. It's even when they all four keep getting up out of bed to tell me and their dad one more thing.

It's this moment that I feel the love of my children,and when I'm not feeling well I get tea made and blankets given to me before they go to bed. I have really loving children, though sometimes you have to look for the little things to see it.

So there's my happiest moment. What's yours?

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